[LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...

Sleiman M Itani ssolomon at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 19 11:55:50 EDT 2006

Even if everybody on this list agrees that Hizballah is bad, more than 30% (I
would say even 50%) of the Lebanese people want Hizballah to keep its weapons
just to be a thorn in Israel's side. There is a good number of Lebanese people
who see Israel as an enemy no matter what.

Just remember that Hizballah has the biggest support in Lebanon (as one party,
not a coalition), and even if we don't agree with those people, we have to
respect their rights. We can't just claim that they don't exist and keep them

now for what I think ( I think one of the articles posted here said the same
thing): hizballah's move this time might have been taken as the reason for the
Israeli attacks. I think that some time ago Israel had the green light (or an
invitation) from America, the Arabs and some people in Lebanon. Note that
hizballah's weapons haven't been a problem for Israel for some time now, they
are just a problem for some people in Lebanon.

I think that it is not only Hizballah's (Syria and Iran) fault, it is also the
fault of the Americans, the Arabs (Saudi arabia, Egypt, Jordan), and 
the people
in the Lebanese government who knew that many Lebanese people will die 
but still
wanted revenge against Hizballah.

Plus, without killing a million Lebanese people, Hizballah can't be removed.
This is true weather Israel or the Lebanese army are trying to do it. If you
don't know that, then you don't know much about Lebanon. The only way 
to remove
hizballah is to erode its popularity first (maybe create a shiite party 
that is
anti syrian but still anti Israeli,) and I think that this is the objective of
the Israeli offensive.

Anyways, these are just my thoughts.

The point is that we want to eat grapes and not to kill the keeper. We need to
have a united front and do this from a humanitarian aspect because there is no
united view on the political aspect. United we stand, departed we fall.

Also, we have to believe in peace, democracy, and in the intellect of the
Lebanese people. Even if it takes 20 years of negotiations to disarm 
that is the right way to do it. We have to learn to show the world unity and
solve our problems between us, democratically. This is one of the main reasons
for the success of the Israeli governments. Israel has a lot of internal
problems (including armed groups that the government can't practically
control), but they don't solve them by destroying themselves.

I just hope that this doesn't last too long. We don't need another 16 years of


Quoting rmekary at aol.com:

>  Great. Thanks Walid.
> This being said, how can we take actions and spread the word and ask 
> both of Hizballah and Israel to stop?
> We shoud mainly ask Hizbalah to go fight Israel in Iran and Syria and 
> to leave Lebanon alone.
> If we all agree on that, we should state this clearly all over the world.
> We should literally ask Hizballh to stop fighting Israel on our 
> Lebanese land for an Iranian/ Syrian/ Palestinian cause.
> Do you all agree?
> If yes, let's do something about it ASAP.
> Sincerely,
> Rania.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r_walid at hotmail.com
> To: rmekary at aol.com; abitdodgy at hotmail.com; kingkassis at hotmail.com; 
> leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; lebanon-articles at mit.edu
> Sent: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...
>   Finally we are waking up and realizing the truth. We are realizing 
> that Hizbullah's ultimate goal was completed long ago, we should now 
> thank them and it is now time for them to let lebanon take all 
> military and other decisions for itself. I am sorry for all the pain 
> the Palestinians are suffering, but i don't see why we also need to 
> pay the price by having a militia that tickles the wasp's nest every 
> once in a while. We, the civilians, always end up being stung the 
> most by these actions.
>    From: rmekary at aol.com
> To: abitdodgy at hotmail.com, kingkassis at hotmail.com, 
> leb-students at lists.stanford.edu, lebanon-articles at mit.edu
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...
> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:32:58 -0400
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> ( withHTTP (WebMailUI); Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:32:58 -0400
>  Dear all,
> I read all the comments.
> At least we all agree we want Israel to stop its unhumanitarian attacks.
> I am afraid it is too late now after all the destruction.
> But let's learn one lesson though: we should also ask for hizballah to stop
> fighting Israel... The more they fight Israel, the more Lebanon is destroyed.
> So why don't we all ask for BOTH parties to stop????
> Why don't we ask Israel to go fight Iran and Syrian on THEIR land and 
> not ours?
> Hizballah can get out and fight on an Iranian land... do we really 
> want Hizballah?
> They are bringing nothing but destruction and war from Israel to Lebanon.
> We, Lebanese, Christinas and Muslims, shoud all ask for Hizballah to 
> stop their action as well....
>    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Rania Mekary, Ph.D.
> Harvard School of Public Health
> Nutrition Department
> 655 Huntington Avenue, Building 2
> Boston, Ma 02115
> Voice mail: 617-432-6343
> Fax: 617-432-2435
> http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/researchers/rmekary.html
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -----Original Message-----
> From: abitdodgy at hotmail.com
> To: kingkassis at hotmail.com; leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; 
> lebanon-articles at mit.edu
> Sent: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 1:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...
>    Before this list gets moderated, allow me to say the following:   
> Jimmy, what a bloody pratt you are! You want me to call an apple an 
> apple? Well, I just did. You want to "applaud" Israel for killing 
> countless Lebanese civilians, destroying the economy and 
> infrastructure of our country under the pretence of self defense, 
> then knock your self out, but know this:   No one is condoning the 
> actions of Hezbollah; we?re condemning the heavy handed actions of 
> Israel and its collective punishment of Lebanon and its people, which 
> constitutes of a violation of the Geneva Convention and International 
> Law. Come on, let me hear you clap. The government of Israel said it 
> was Syria and Iran pulling the strings, then let them go bomb Syria 
> and Iran.   I apologize to all recipients of this list for being out 
> of character, but my 85 year old mother had to evacuate right after 
> she had an operation, and our dear Jimmy thinks we should applaud 
> that. My apologies for using derogatory language, but I wish there 
> was a polite way to call an idiot an idiot.   Not only are you 
> senseless, dear Jimmy, but you lack perspective and the analytical 
> capacity to understand that the biggest loser in this conflict is 
> Lebanon and not Hezbollah. The idiocy of morally decrepit people who 
> see nothing wrong with the destruction of Lebanon and the death of 
> its civilians as long as they are under the illusion that Hezbollah 
> are being destroyed is mind boggling. Open your eyes and witness who 
> the real losers are.    Good night!    We're not expressing support 
> for Hezbollah, we are expressing solidarity and support for the 
> Lebanese living through a genocide you have no shame in appluadng.    
>    From: "Jimmy Kassis" <kingkassis at hotmail.com>
> To: <leb-students at lists.stanford.edu>, <lebanon-articles at mit.edu>
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people?? One more thing...
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 23:35:20 -0400
> Instead of replying with emotionally charged responses, full of 
> personal attacks, I would appreciate if you actually come up with 
> alternative ideas of disarming Hisballah, i.e. curing the deadly 
> cancer, rather than giving it a Tylenol by saying STOP THE WAR!! I 
> want to know what is next?? spend the next 20 years negotiating with 
> them while they build up their capabilities again?
>      From: kingkassis at hotmail.com
> To: philippesaad at gmail.com
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 23:22:38 -0400
> CC: leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; lebanon-articles at mit.edu
> Subject: Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people??
>   Rania, I don?t think I am stating the obvious. After reading all 
> the comments sent out, the ?obvious? is that no one seems to have the 
> balls to speak out against Hezbollah for fear of being labeled 
> unpatriotic. For a condemnation of Hezbollah is perceived as support 
> for Israel which in itself is unpatriotic   Farrah I don?t condone 
> Israel destroying all of Lebanon. 95% of the bombing has been 
> targeted to Hezbollah strongholds. Hezbollah chooses to operate from 
> within civilian areas. That in itself is outrageous; the people 
> supporting Hezbollah should not allow them to launch attacks form 
> hospital rooftops. We should all rise up and speak out against that. 
> Again I don?t condone the destruction of my own country, but I 
> understand the other 5% of the bombing that Israel is doing to send a 
> message to the Lebanese government.   Elias Israel may not defeat 
> them completely but they will sure weaken them to the point where 
> just maybe the Lebanese army can dare to venture to the south and do 
> what is supposed to do and patrol the border. Israeli exacting 
> revenge on the Lebanese??  Why? For what?  You and I both know that 
> Israel only want security on its northern border. They have proven 
> that when they COMPLETELY withdrew in 2000.    Maurice I won?t 
> disappear. Deal with it. I don?t agree with taking the country back 
> 20 years. But I want a solution a permanent one. I am sick and tired 
> of holding Hezbollah?s hand begging them to disarm. At the rate we 
> are moving with Hezbollah and Syria they would have taken us back 20 
> years anyways.     Philippe Before you go questioning my Lebanese 
> identity, my patriotism, and calling me a coward let me tell you 
> something about myself. My house was burned to the ground by the 
> Druze in 1981; my house was then leveled to the ground by the Israeli 
> invasion in 1982 in the mountains. My house again destroyed in Beirut 
> and my mother badly injured from Syrian shelling in 1989. And some 
> more destruction was piled on my house and family from the Lebanese 
> Forces with their war with GMA. Despite all that, I love Lebanon, I 
> love the people, and I believe in a united Lebanon with Christians 
> and Muslims living together as one people. I truly believe in that 
> vision. I don?t believe us as Lebanese have united enough to disarm 
> Hezbollah. Hezbollah being the undisputed puppets of Syria and Iran, 
> I hold them responsible for the death of some of the finest people 
> that Lebanon ever produced from Hariri and Tueini to the rest you 
> know the list I won?t repeat here. After what round of talks were you 
> expecting Hezbollah to disarm? Hezbollah wanted every Arab and 
> Iranian issue resolved before they did anything. Is that what you 
> want? I am tired as stated of listening to their lame ass excuses of 
> why they need to be armed. Yes the death of 250 civilians is 
> horrible, but if the end result is a country free of militias in 
> peace with ALL its neighbors working to build a bright future for its 
> children, then their death is well worth it.
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