[LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people??

Mouneimne, Ghassan Ghassan_Mouneimne at hms.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 18 23:52:55 EDT 2006

Guys, please for now we should stop the political forum for better days. AT ONCE!
Our country is in a crisis that we've never seen before (yes, even us after so many years of war and destruction).
I want to reiterate that what we're doing tomorrow is a rally for PEACE, we are pleading for an immediate cease fire.
So tomorrow when we're out there, I beg you to stand side by side regardless of your personal political believes.
The message that we want to convey has to come from us as one unity, one people with one goal and that is to try to save what is left of Lebanon.
Leave your perspectives, ideologies, believes, anger, resentment... all at home, and come only with your Lebanese flag.  We will all be holding the same banner tomorrow! and this what defines patriotism.

-----Original Message-----
From:	lebanon-articles-bounces at mit.edu on behalf of Jimmy Kassis
Sent:	Tue 7/18/2006 11:22 PM
To:	Philippe Charles Saad
Cc:	leb-students at lists.stanford.edu; lebanon-articles at mit.edu
Subject:	Re: [LCM Articles] What is wrong with you people??

I don’t think I am stating the obvious.  After reading all the comments sent out, the “obvious” is that no one seems to have the balls to speak out against Hezbollah for fear of being labeled unpatriotic.  For a condemnation of Hezbollah is perceived as support for Israel which in itself is unpatriotic
I don’t condone Israel destroying all of Lebanon.  95% of the bombing has been targeted to Hezbollah strongholds.  Hezbollah chooses to operate from within civilian areas. That in itself is outrageous; the people supporting Hezbollah should not allow them to launch attacks form hospital rooftops.  We should all rise up and speak out against that.  Again I don’t condone the destruction of my own country, but I understand the other 5% of the bombing that Israel is doing to send a message to the Lebanese government.
Israel may not defeat them completely but they will sure weaken them to the point where just maybe the Lebanese army can dare to venture to the south and do what is supposed to do and patrol the border.
Israeli exacting revenge on the Lebanese??   Why? For what?   You and I both know that Israel only want security on its northern border.  They have proven that when they COMPLETELY withdrew in 2000.  
I won’t disappear. Deal with it.
I don’t agree with taking the country back 20 years.  But I want a solution a permanent one.  I am sick and tired of holding Hezbollah’s hand begging them to disarm.  At the rate we are moving with Hezbollah and Syria they would have taken us back 20 years anyways.
Before you go questioning my Lebanese identity, my patriotism, and calling me a coward let me tell you something about myself.  My house was burned to the ground by the Druze in 1981; my house was then leveled to the ground by the Israeli invasion in 1982 in the mountains.  My house again destroyed in Beirut and my mother badly injured from Syrian shelling in 1989.  And some more destruction was piled on my house and family from the Lebanese Forces with their war with GMA.  Despite all that, I love Lebanon, I love the people, and I believe in a united Lebanon with Christians and Muslims living together as one people. I truly believe in that vision.
I don’t believe us as Lebanese have united enough to disarm Hezbollah.  Hezbollah being the undisputed puppets of Syria and Iran, I hold them responsible for the death of some of the finest people that Lebanon ever produced from Hariri and Tueini to the rest you know the list I won’t repeat here.  After what round of talks were you expecting Hezbollah to disarm?  Hezbollah wanted every Arab and Iranian issue resolved before they did anything.  Is that what you want? I am tired as stated of listening to their lame ass excuses of why they need to be armed.   Yes the death of 250 civilians is horrible, but if the end result is a country free of militias in peace with ALL its neighbors working to build a bright future for its children, then their death is well worth it.

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