[LCM Articles] FW: "The Cedars Telephone Revolution" this Monday

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Sat Mar 12 17:48:45 EST 2005


                          Office of the Secretariat General

                                     <http://www.wlcu.org/> www.wlcu.org









The Secretary General of the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU), Dr Walid Phares,  issued the following statement:


"The World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) is requesting from all its membership, its officers and calling on its allies and the Lebanese Diaspora worldwide to act in solidarity with the people of Lebanon as it will be marching to protest the Syrian occupation next Monday in Beirut.


We are requesting that each able Lebanese in the world would make one phone call to a relative or a friend in Lebanon asking them to participate in the march on Monday. Tell them that by walking on Monday, they would be representing one emigrant or one Lebanese in exile. For each Lebanese marching in Beirut will carry the voice of another Lebanese around the world. Let it be "Two Lebanese in one demonstrator."


1) Make that one phone call during the week end to encourage them, and tell them that you will be watching them during the demonstration from a city or across the world.


2) On early morning this Monday call a demonstrator in Beirut on his or her cell phone and ask them to let you hear the chanting and the demonstration. 


3) Make sure everyone around you (family, office, web sites)  can hear the demonstration via speakerphone. 


4) Propose to the media around you to hear that demonstration live from Beirut 


5) Let the demonstrators show the world by holding their cell phones high, that they are representing millions of Lebanese around the world


Let the Diaspora take part in it . Le it be the "Cedars Telephone Revolution."


The WLCU will deliver a message ti the demonstrators on Monday


Dr Walid Phares

Secretary General



For information about the WLCU campaign to support the "Cedars Revolution" contact your local WLCU representatrive or the world headquarters at info at wlcu.net 

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