[LCM Articles] FW: Lebanese Unity Website

Loai Naamani loai at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 11 10:49:38 EDT 2005

Dear All,

Ramsey, a high school student studying in Beirut, has recently taken the time and effort to develop www.lebanese-unity.com: a
neutral non-aligned discussion forum for Lebanese and otherwise around the world to exchange their thoughts and ideas about current
events in a democratic and tolerant environment. The site is meant to promote dialogue, understanding and most importantly unity
among all Lebanese. He has also been generous enough to contribute his logo to the National Unity Day flyers (more below...)

Please take the time to visit/join www.lebanese-unity.com. Ever grateful, Rami, for your efforts and for putting the word through to


> -----Original Message-----
> From: aladameh at gmail.com
> Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 7:57 AM
> Subject: Lebanese Unity Website
> Dear Sir or Madame,
> My name is Ramsey Nasser, I am a high school student studying in
> Beirut. I was writing my math exam on February 14 when the bomb went
> off, killing Rafik Al Hariri and turning Lebanon upside down. Since
> then, my life has been completely different. Much more anxious and
> unsure of what is coming next. I have gone to most of the
> demonstrations, marched with the protesters, chanted slogans and
> called for a free Lebanon. But after it all, I felt distant and
> unattached, like I wasn't doing enough for the country I love so much.
> Seeing other young people like me taking the initiative and getting
> involved, I decided to do what I could for Lebanon. On March 6, I
> opened www.lebanese-unity.com, a neutral non-aligned discussion forum
> for Lebanese and otherwise around the world to exchange their thoughts
> and ideas about current events in a democratic and tolerant
> environment. The site is meant to promote dialogue, understanding and
> most importantly unity among all Lebanese. Since its opening, the
> community has been growing slowly but steadily, attracting people from
> different political and religious beliefs and different parts of the
> world.
> A discussion community is nothing without people, however, and in
> order to make the discussions effective, the website needs the maximum
> exposure it can get. Your Lebanese club is exactly the kind of
> organization that would enjoy lebanese-unity.com. Even people who are
> not politically oriented would benefit from it, as they can swap
> stories about their home country with one and other and so on.
> I invite you to visit the site, even join if you like, as the
> discussions and the conclusions reached are extremely interesting. If
> you feel this site is something that your club members would enjoy,
> please let them know. Even a link on your website would be
> appreciated. As I said, I am trying to encourage as many people as I
> can to join, as every new person added is a more united Lebanese
> community.
> I love Lebanon, and I would to anything to help it or its people. This
> website is my way of trying to give back to the country that has given
> me so much. Thank you for your time.

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