[LEAuthors] Leonardo Party Invitation - 6 Aug

Nisar Keshvani, LEA keshvani at leoalmanac.org
Wed Jul 26 19:37:15 EDT 2006

Dear Leonardo Friend,

You are invited to attend a private Leonardo party on the evening of 6
August 2006 in San Jose, CA. This two-tiered event will be both a
reception for friends of Leonardo attending the Pacific Rim New Media
Summit as well as a fundraiser to help kick off Leonardo's 40th
Anniversary celebration. We hope you will be able to join us for the
occasion.  Please send us an RSVP (see below) if you will be able to attend.

Forty years ago, in 1966, friends and colleagues of Frank Malina began
meeting in the living room at No. 17 Rue Emile Dunois, Paris, France, to
dream up what has become the Leonardo organization
( www.leonardo.info/isast/leostory.html). The first project, the journal
Leonardo, saw its first issue published in 1968. Archives of the
journal, as well as those of its sister publication, the Leonardo Music
Journal, include the work of more than 4,000 artists in the Leonardo
community. These archives are now available on JSTOR to members of the
organization. The August 6th party will be the first official event
leading up to a grand gala to be held in 2008 to mark the 40th
anniversary of the journal Leonardo.

RSVP by Friday, 28 July 2006 by sending email to kq at leonardo.info and we
will send you more details about the reception.

We will have special guests and activities planned during the evening,
so please try to join us. I hope to see you there!

Roger Malina,
Chair, Leonardo/ISAST
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