[LEAuthors] Leonardo Electronic Almanac just got a facelift: Vol 14 Issue 03 July 2006

Nisar Keshvani, LEA keshvani at leoalmanac.org
Thu Jul 20 09:38:05 EDT 2006

If unable to view e-newsletter, kindly visit:

    [image: Leonardo Electronic Almanac] <http://leoalmanac.org/>     July   v
o l *14* i s s u e 03      [image: Long March by Qin Ga]
Long March
Copyright* (c)* Qin Ga
  01 e d i t o r's  n o t e Nisar
  02 g u e s t  e d i t o r i a l Drew Hemment on Locative
  03 e s s a y s Locative
  04 g a l l e r y Locative Media, on and off the beaten
  05 r e s o u r c e s
Bibliography <http://leoalmanac.org/resources/biblio/locativemedia.asp>   06
a n n o u n c e m e n t s Leonardo "ISEA" Special

In this issue, editor-in-chief, Nisar Keshvani announces Leonardo Electronic
Almanac's "*Refreshed, crinkle-free with same great content* " campaign.
This brand-new interface along with a fresh new look was developed in
collaboration with Eva Sim and Drake Nox.

Transport yourself into *LEA*'s latest, that peeks into the world of
locative media. The extensive offerings are chock-full with insights of this
fascinating topic, which "is understood to include bodily, technological and
cultural components, combining cultural practices and the embodiment of the
user, with various 'media' and location sensing technologies such as GPS."

"As an emerging field, locative media is simultaneously opening up new ways
of engaging in the world and mapping its own domain," defines Locative Media
Special <http://leoalmanac.org/journal/vol_14/lea_v14_n03-04/intro.asp>issue
guest editor Drew Hemment.

Indulge in the Locative Media Gallery. Locative Media, on and off the beaten
track <http://leoalmanac.org/gallery/index.asp>curated by Suhjung Hur, Annie
On Ni Wan and Andrew Paterson, it explores this "hybrid and still emerging
media culture and research field, (which) includes a rich spectrum of
activities: collaborative mapping, open technology experimentation,
tactical/surveillance critique, urban gameplay and subjective storytelling."

Additionally, for the first time, an associated curriculum section and
bibliography index is developed to provide our community of artists,
scientists and technologists with access to valuable resources developed by
our community of international experts for the art, science and technology
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