[LEAuthors] LEA Vol 14 No 7 - 8: Nature Unleased, the Digital Way and LEAD Transcripts available online!

Nisar Keshvani, LEA keshvani at leoalmanac.org
Wed Dec 6 03:29:41 EST 2006

    [image: Leonardo Electronic Almanac] <http://leoalmanac.org/>     Nov   v
o l *14* i s s u e 08[image: Hampshire
Digital Behaviors and Generative Music] <http://leoalmanac.org/>
Digital Behaviors and Generative Music
Copyright* (c)* Dave Burraston and Andrew Martin
  01 e d i t o r's  n o t e Nisar
  02 g u e s t  e d i t o r i a l The Emergent and
Locative and Performance<http://leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_14/lea_v14_n07-08/sthomas.asp>
  03 e s s a y s Wild Nature and the Digital Life
<http://leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_14/lea_v14_n07-08/essays.asp>   04 g a l
l e r y Nature Unleased, the Digital
  05 r e s o u r c e s Sign up for the Leonardo Electronic Almanac Digital
Wild list <leadigitalwild-subscribe at googlegroups.com>   06 a n n o u n c e m
e n t s Watch this space for details on LEA's live forum with authors
<http://leoalmanac.org/journal/Vol_14/lea_v14_n07-08/forum.asp>   As the
year closes, LEA editor in chief, Nisar Keshvani shares that the new LEA web
platform continues to receive positive feedback from across the globe.
Researchers, artists and educators find our downloadable pdf's and MLA/APA
citations extremely useful.

The LEAD: Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion around the New Media
Poetics and Poetry issue generated overwhelming discussion within in the
community. Chat transcripts now

Hold on to your seats as a very special double-themed LEA issue hurtles your
way. Guest editors Dene Grigar and Sue Thomas have culled a neat collection
of explosive essays from the hefty haul of initial contributions received
and emerged with a two-themed anthology on Wild Nature and the Digital
which delves into the collaboration of art and nature.

In Dene Grigar's editorial, she explains that the first section explores a
range of issues relating to the "Emergent and Generative" in nature, the
digital, and art. The second wave of another four papers, edited by Sue
Thomas, features essays that are "Performative and Locative" in scope.

Drigar and Thomas have woven together a marvelous mix featuring Peter
Hasdell, Tara Rodgers, Dave Burraston, Andrew Martin, Jennifer Willet, Adam
Gussow, Dr Kathryn Yusoff, Jeremy Hight and Brett Stalbaum.

The essays are packaged with a small but powerful
gallery<http://leoalmanac.org/gallery/digiwild/index.htm>of two works,
exhibiting Karl Grimes, Elisa Giaccardi, Hal Eden and Gianluca
Sabena, also curated by Dene Grigar and Sue Thomas.

We're planning our 2007 issues, so if you have any essay, gallery or
thematic issue proposals, we welcome you to drop a note to:
lea at mitpress.mit.edu
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