[LEAuthors] LEA Gallery Special cfp: Global Crossings (GX)

nisar keshvani nisar at keshvani.com
Sun Jul 25 12:30:58 EDT 2004

LEA Gallery cfp: Global Crossings (GX)

** Worldwide Call for Submissions **

Please feel free to spread the word widely:

LEA Gallery Special: Global Crossings (GX)
Guest Curators: Dennis Summers and Choy Kok Kee (gxgallery at astn.net) 

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac Gallery (http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/LEA/LEA2004/gallery.htm) is inviting submissions in conjunction with the Leonardo Global Crossings Initiative. The Gallery is looking to make visible the work of international artists, professionals and scholars who live and work in a wide variety of situations where access to established venues for exhibition, display and publication is limited. Difficulty of access may be attributed to cultural, geographic, ethnic, institutional or disciplinary diversity, or issues related to the North/South divide, age, gender, etc. Through this Gallery we seek to showcase little-known work in the art-science-technology field and to counter the 
natural tendency of networks to be inward looking, thus reinforcing established points of view. 

We are looking for work that considers the global earth in some fashion or another. It can be work that addresses global social, political economic, spiritual, etc. issues. It can be work that physically or metaphorically lies in multiple locations on the planet, it can be work that may have personal relationships to multiple locations on the planet. Or anything else that loosely falls along the concept of being "global" in nature.

LEA encourages international artists / academics / researchers / students to submit their proposals for consideration. We particularly encourage young authors outside North America and Europe to send proposals.


Create a single web page, in any common format that either documents the work or actually is the work. As long as it is only one page, the work can take any form. Try to avoid pages that require special or unusual plugins. Keep in mind that many parts of the world do not have high-speed Internet access.


Zip all necessary files into a folder named after the contributing artist. Send as an attachment to gxgallery at astn.net or if necessary, provide ftp instructions. 

In a separate attachment include:

- 300 word abstract / synopsis / description of work
- A brief author biography / resume
- Any related URLs
- Contact details

In the subject heading of the email message write “Name of Artist: LEA Global Crossings – Date Submitted”.

Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2004

Please send proposals or queries to:
Dennis Summers/Choy Kok Kee
gxgallery at astn.net

Nisar Keshvani
LEA Editor-in-Chief
lea at mitpress.mit.edu


What is the Global Crossings (GX) Initiaitve?

This initiative is part of the Leonardo/International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) Global Crossings (GX) Project. GX is committed to identifying and showcasing the work of international artists, professionals, and scholars from outside North America and Europe. Leonardo/ISAST has initiated this policy to reach out to diverse cultural and global communities to overcome the considerable natural barriers that prevent trans-cultural collaboration in the emerging art-science-technology field. This initiative is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, New York. Leonardo/ISAST, a leading international scholarly and professional network, has for 35 years been an advocate of new creative practices, documenting and promoting innovative work through its publications and projects. Info: http://mitpress2.mit.edu/e-journals/LEA/globalx.htm

What is LEA?

Established in 1993, the Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is the electronic arm of the pioneer art journal, Leonardo - Journal of Art, Science & Technology.

The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), jointly produced by Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) and published under the auspices of MIT Press is an electronic journal dedicated to providing a forum for those who are interested in the realm where art, science and technology converge. Info: http://lea.mit.edu


This peer reviewed e-journal includes profiles of media arts facilities and projects, profiles of artists using new media, feature articles comprised of theoretical and technical perspectives; the LEA Gallery exhibiting new media artwork by international artists; detailed information about new publications in various media; and reviews of publications, events and exhibitions. Material is contributed by artists, scientists, educators and developers of new technological resources in the media arts.


LEA's mission is to maintain and consolidate its position as a leading online news and trusted information filter while critically examining arts/science & technological works catering to the international CAST (Community of Artists, Scientist and Technologists)


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