[LEAuthors] LEA July 2004: Translation, Transcodification, Transmission: Erika Tan's *Pidgin: Interrupted Transmission by Janice Cheddie

nisar keshvani nisar at keshvani.com
Tue Jul 20 23:58:45 EDT 2004

*sincere apologies for cross-posting*

Leonardo Electronic Almanac: July 2004
art | science | technology - a definitive voice since 1993

*Translation, Transcodification, Transmission: Erika Tan's *Pidgin: Interrupted Transmission*, by Janice Cheddie*
This month, Janice Cheddie discusses "issues of cultural translation, digital media and notions of difference," using a work by U.K.-based artist Erika Tan as a basis for her exploration.

*Leonardo Reviews: July 2004*
Leonardo Reviews includes a review of the Europe-Asia Contemporary Music Festival in Kazan, Russia, by Alexandre A.Ovsyannikov; Rob Harle's review of a special issue of *HYLE: The International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry*; and Andrea Dahlberg's review of a new book on Italian filmmaker Luchino Visconti. 

Also in this issue, we feature selected abstracts from the upcoming issue of Leonardo (Vol. 37, No. 4); an announcement and information on Leonardo's collaboration with ISEA2004, taking place in Finland, Estonia and the waters in-between; and the latest news on the activities of Leonardo/ISAST.

Editorial ideas / proposals: lea at mitpress.mit.edu


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The Leonardo Educators Initiative
The Leonardo Abstracts Service (LABS) is a listing of Masters and Ph.D. theses in the art/science/technology field, for the benefit of scholars and practitioners. LEA also maintains a discussion list open only to faculty in the field. Students interested in contributing and faculty wishing to join this list should contact lea at mitpress.mit.edu

What is LEA?
For over a decade, Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) has thrived as an international peer-reviewed electronic journal and web archive, covering the interaction of the arts, sciences and technology. LEA emphasizes rapid publication of recent work and critical discussion on topics of current excitement. Many contributors are younger scholars and artists, and there is a slant towards shorter, less academic texts.

Contents include Leonardo Reviews, edited by Michael Punt, Leonardo Research Abstracts of recent Ph.D. and Masters theses, curated Galleries of current new media artwork, and special issues on topics ranging from Artists and Scientists in times of War, to Zero Gravity
Art, to the History of New Media.

Copyright© 1993 - 2004: The Leonardo Electronic Almanac is published by Leonardo / International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) in association with the MIT Press. All rights reserved.

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