MIT krb5 and github pull requests

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 13 16:04:00 EST 2014

Over the past few weeks, we have changed our workflow a little bit to
improve our openness and level of review before commit:

* Changes originating from within the team will go through a github pull
  request.  Previously we would do informal review over IRC and then
  push directly to the master repository.

* If we receive a change from outside which isn't in the form of a pull
  request, we will make a pull request for it using a team member's
  github fork.

* Review may not always be possible for every change; a couple of days
  of silence and some self-review will have to do.

* We will be trying to avoid commenting on commits or lines of code
  within commits, as those comments get lost whenever the branch is
  rebased, which we expect to happen often.  Instead we will be
  commenting on the github issue created for the pull request.  (I
  believe that gerrit allows line-by-line comments to be preserved
  across iterations of a branch.  But we don't want every contributor to
  have to make an account for a gerrit installation somewhere, so we're
  going to stick with the tools github offers for the moment.)

* We will still use IRC to discuss code changes in real time.  The team
  will try to capture the results of such discussions as comments to the
  pull request issue.

* We will still tie commits to the RT issue database for user-visible
  changes, and of course people are still free to submit bug reports in
  the usual way (by email to krb5-bugs at

* We will still use project pages on the wiki for changes which involve
  substantial amounts of design work.

* We will still use the krbdev list for design discussion and project
  page reviews.

* The master repository is still located on an MIT server and the github
  repository is still a mirror, but as before, this should be largely
  invisible to anyone other than committers.

Our hope is that this will be easier to find the discussion, if there
was any, of changes made to the repository.  Also, anyone who wants to
can "watch" to find out about, and comment on,
changes before they reach master--assuming they can put up with the
resulting volume of email.

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