
Mahmoud gh.mdgh at
Sat Sep 21 05:48:03 EDT 2013

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your attention.

I change the rotl32 function in src/kdc/replay.c to write in a file to find
out the number of its execution.
I do not change compiler settings in both case. It seems that this problem
does not depend to *.h file, directly. Does this problem impact on

Best regards.

On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Tom Yu <tlyu at> wrote:

> Mahmoud <gh.mdgh at> writes:
> > When I add anything (e.g. function definition or a comment) to a *.h
> file,
> > the number of running of the rotl32 function decrease extremely lot
> (after
> > recompiled the source code). Could you tell me about the relation between
> > the *.h files (e.g. extern.h) and the rotl32 function?
> I think we might need more details before we can provide you with a
> useful answer.  How are you determining the "number of running of the
> rotl32 function"?  Are you talking about the rotl32 function in
> src/kdc/replay.c or something else?  Which headers are you changing?
> Note the rotl32 function in replay.c is declared with the specifiers
> "static inline", so your compiler might not generate an externally
> visible copy of that function at all, depending on compiler flags etc.

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