
Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 20 12:38:00 EDT 2012

On Thu, 20 Sep 2012, Elzey, Blaine A (Blaine) wrote:

> Ben,
> I will try the instructions you linked with my next build, maybe within 
> a week or two, and let you know.  How does one correlate the krb5 source 
> version with the kfw version?  Also, where does one get the kfw source?

Unfortunately, the correlation between krb5 source version and kfw version 
is not very well-defined at the moment.
KfW is built from the main krb5 tree, so the source checkout will be the 
same for windows or Unix.
However, there is not a release tarball that has the new KfW code in it 
yet, so you would need to get a snapshot zip file from, e.g., (there is a "ZIP" link/button 
between the "clone in [...]" button and the "HTTP | Git Read-Only" link.

However, I don't expect to wait a week or two to come to a decision on 
this front, so I am more interested in what you think just reading through 
the instructions whether the procedure is a reasonable level of effort.

Thanks again,


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