Libraries and Tools required for web server administration

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Wed May 2 15:03:27 EDT 2012

On 05/02/2012 11:23 AM, John Doyle wrote:
> One assumption that we're 
> making is that we are only providing what's required for the web server 
> administrator, we are not providing all the libraries and tools required for 
> administering the Kerberos domain.

The Windows build doesn't include libraries and tools for administering
the Kerberos domain.  You probably don't need the following, though:

> gss-client.exe
> gss-server.exe
> gss.exe
> ms2mit.exe
> kcpytkt.exe
> kdeltkt.exe
> kpasswd.exe
> krb5.exe

That leaves the kdestroy, kinit, klist, and kvno commands, which
probably aren't needed for mod_auth_krb5 operation but may be useful to
web server administrators in some situations.

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