Inserting opaque data into the DB

Alejandro Perez Mendez alex at
Tue Oct 18 13:17:08 EDT 2011

> On 10/18/2011 08:21 AM, Alejandro Perez Mendez wrote:
>> I have been looking through the code to see a point where I can add
>> random data to a principal entry in the user database during creation or
>> modification.
> Do you really mean "random data" in the sense of PRNG-generated data here?

No, I expressed myself badly :). What I meant is to include opaque data. 
Something that I could recover later from an preauth or authdata plugin.

>> The problem is that when I retrieve the principal (i.e. using getprinc),
>> this TL_DATA does not seem to be recovered. Does anyone have some hints
>> on this? Thanks in advance.
> I don't know why you'd be having this problem; I suspect you'll need to
> do some probing with a debugger.  But I did want to note that MIT krb5
> 1.10 will have a string attributes feature with kadmin support:

I could try, but I just realized that the string attributes feature is 
exactly what I was looking for, so the effort wouldn't be worthy.
When do you plan to release krb5 1.10?


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