[Gábor Gombás] Bug#564566: libkadm5clnt7: SONAME conflict with Heimdal

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 11 17:10:42 EST 2010

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Yu <tlyu at MIT.EDU> writes:

    Tom> Sam Hartman <hartmans at MIT.EDU> writes:
    >>>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz at cmu.edu> writes:
    Jeffrey> Of course, if the symbol versions also don't match, symbol
    Jeffrey> resolution will just fail and things will not work at all.
    Jeffrey> Symbol versioning, especially of the rich variety provided
    Jeffrey> by glibc, can be used here to prevent the wrong thing from
    Jeffrey> happening, but it can't make the right thing happen.
    >> No, that's not true.  If glibc finds krb5_init_context at krb5_3_mit
    >> and krb5_init_context at krb5_17_heimdal and the code was looking
    >> for krb5_init_context at krb5_3_mit, the right thing will happen
    >> regardless of which is found first.  I have test code to
    >> demonstrate this that I can dig up if needed.  However a number
    >> of cases in PAM, NSS and LDAP backends as well as things like
    >> openssh demonstrate this in Debian.
    Jeffrey> I'm with Russ; clearly, the best answer is to coordinate
    Jeffrey> with Heimdal and agree to partition the soname version
    Jeffrey> space in a reasonable way.
    >> I agree with this as well.  If we add something like _mit, I
    >> think minimal coordination is needed.  If we split the natural
    >> numbers, more coordination is required.

    Tom> I have seen a mailing list posting that claimed that
    Tom> non-numeric SONAME suffixes cause problems for libtool; I have
    Tom> not confirmed this, and for that matter, it may no longer be a
    Tom> problem.

I'd definitely believe that libtooll cannot generate non-numeric

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