Ticket File Cached in Memory?

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 26 12:10:59 EDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 09:46 -0400, John W. M. Stevens wrote:
> The obvious solution would be to have the tickets cached in memory, but
> I can't find any suggestions on how to do that, or even if it is possible.

We have a memory ccache type, which you can use by setting a credentials
cache name of MEMORY:somestring, where somestring serves to
differentiate memory ccaches within a process.

These caches cannot be shared between processes.  I believe that makes
it tricky to use one transparently, since a credentials cache is
ordinarily shared between kinit (to initialize the cache with an AS-REQ)
and an application.  I have not looked into this myself, but I believe
you would have to write application code to pull a TGT out of a normal
(say, file-based) credentials cache and copy it into the memory ccache.

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