Integration of k5start/krenew functionality

Henry B. Hotz hotz at
Tue Aug 4 14:43:43 EDT 2009

On Aug 4, 2009, at 9:17 AM, krbdev-request at wrote:

> BTW, on the side of pulling k5start options into kinit, one that  
> would be
> very useful and is simple to implement would be k5start's -U option,  
> which
> says to determine the principal with which to authenticate by  
> reading the
> keytab and using the principal of the first entry in the keytab.

For our k5start-equivalent we also deploy a modified kinit that reads  
the enctype of that entry and uses it instead of the library default.   
Simplifies keytab file creation across platforms with different kerb  
libs/enctype support.
The opinions expressed in this message are mine,
not those of Caltech, JPL, NASA, or the US Government.
Henry.B.Hotz at, or hbhotz at

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