need project review

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 7 16:54:26 EDT 2008

>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey Altman <jaltman at> writes:

    Jeffrey> Henry B. Hotz wrote:
    >>  That's OK, but as was said before it's hard to get approval
    >> for a change if there isn't a tested rollback procedure.  A bit
    >> if documented thought about how to do that would be a good
    >> thing, even if it's "restore from a backup".  This change seems
    >> low risk and likely to fail quickly if it does fail.

    Jeffrey> This specific change might not but what if there is some
    Jeffrey> other change made as part of 1.7 which doesn't reveal
    Jeffrey> itself for several weeks after you go into production
    Jeffrey> requires a rollback?

You should definitely be able to rollback from 1.7 to 1.6 unless
you've started depending on features that are only in 1.7.

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