1.7 planning: Collecting Projects to Estimate

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Sun Jan 28 18:28:12 EST 2007

>>>>> "Shantanu" == Shantanu Joshi <shantanu_joshi at hotmail.com> writes:

    Shantanu> Hi, I have been looking into enabling IPv6 support for
    Shantanu> kadmin/kadmind. Studying the existing MIT Kerberos RPC
    Shantanu> code from portingpoint of view, I believe that it
    Shantanu> shouldn't take more than 2-3 months. I believe that
    Shantanu> there is a US DoD mandate for IPv6 compliance by 2008,
    Shantanu> so this should be given priority. I can give more
    Shantanu> details if necessary. Shantanu Joshi

Do you have time or money to spend on the project?

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