Leash_kinit_dlg_ex() and KFW 3.1 NetID Mngr

Eli Breder eli.breder at hummingbird.com
Thu Nov 30 10:43:46 EST 2006

My application is calling leashw32.dll's Leash_kinit_dlg_ex() to display the
authentication dialog. If NetID Manager is not running, the dialog comes up.
If Net ID Mngr is running (and there are no credentials, ie. "You currently
have no credentials. Please obtain..."), the authentication dialog does not
come up. I'm I missing something/doing something wrong, or is this a bug I
should report to kfw-bugs.
Thank you.
Eli Breder
Software Developer
Hummingbird Connectivity, a division of Open Text Corporation
1010 Sherbrooke West, Suite 811
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2R7
Tel:  (514) 281-5551 ext. 231
Fax:  (514) 281-9958 <mailto:281-9958eli at montreal.hcl.com> 

eli.breder at hummingbird.com



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