Issues w/ timezones on gssftpd

Russ Allbery rra at
Mon Nov 27 21:52:50 EST 2006

Jeffrey Altman <jaltman at> writes:

> I don't know what is in the krb5-workstation RPM.  However, if I were
> packaging things I would break it out into:

>  * common libraries

>  * kerberos clients (kinit, klist, kdestroy)

>  * kerberos servers (krb5kdc, kadmind, krb524d, etc.)

>  * and then some set of application clients and servers (rcmd, telnet,
>    ftp, etc.)

> Installing a kerberos client should not result in the installation of a
> KDC nor should it install services that are not directly related.

Yes, the Red Hat packaging leaves a lot to be desired in this respect.
Debian divides Kerberos into the following packages:

libkadm55               Libraries for the kadmin interface
libkrb53                General Kerberos and GSSAPI libraries
libkrb5-dev             Development files for the libraries
libkrb5-dbg             Debugging symbols for the libraries

krb5-user               kinit, klist, kdestroy, etc.
krb5-clients            telnet, rsh, rlogin, etc.
krb5-rsh-server         kshd, klogind
krb5-ftpd               FTP server
krb5-telnetd            telnetd
krb5-kdc                krb5kdc, kpropd, etc.
krb5-admin-server       kadmind, kprop, etc. (for the master)

Note that some of these, such as the FTP server and telnetd, are priority
extra instead of priority optional, which takes them out of the main
Debian software list in some of its installation interfaces and notes that
they're intended more for sites with specific needs than for general use.

It's very important to be able to separately install the different parts
of the package, since most users will not care about many of the daemons
(and then you can have the daemon packages enable the daemon when
installed rather than making people manually enable the daemons they want
or, worse, enable them all whether desired or not).

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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