LDAP and 1.5

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 12 10:13:18 EDT 2006

Hi, folks.

MIT is sad to announce that we've decided not to include the LDAP
plugin in the 1.5 release.  We simply don't have the testing resources
to complete LDAP testing and to get the rest of the release done.

We know a lot of people are very interested in the LDAP plugin; here's
our plan:

1) We will provide a copy of the 1.5 release branche with the ldap
   plugin integrated for those who want to continue ldap development
   or base products off of 1.5+ldap.

2) We're scheduling a release for the September-October timeframe
   which will include LDAP.

We are very committed to the LDAP work and are sorry that we've had to
make this decision.

Sam Hartman
Manager, MIT Kerberos Team

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