krb5-1.5-alpha1 is available

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Fri Jun 2 12:05:31 EDT 2006

>>>>> "greg" == greg  <greg at> writes:

    >> We're probably not all that interested in plugins that would
    >> encourage violation of RFC 4120, but we are definitely
    >> interested in preauth and authz_data plugins.

    greg> I would be interested in your definition of violating
    greg> RFC4120.  One would certainly not want to violate the form
    greg> in which things fly over the wire.

    greg> That being said there would seem to be a number of reasons
    greg> for the interception of AS_REQ and TGS_REQ handling.

    greg> Consider authorization.

    greg> Within our identity model every service conveyed by an
    greg> organization to an individual is considered a service
    greg> subject to authorization. This includes Kerberos
    greg> authentication.  Turning off authorization for Kerberos
    greg> denies the user the ability to obtain a TGT.

That's fine and for example our database has a flag for that.

What would concern me though is a model where for example KDCs were
expected to deny service tickets if a user did not have access to a
service.  It's fairly core to Kerberos that issuing a ticket says
nothing about authorization.  (The authorization data within the
ticket may make authorization claims).


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