Automatic Prompting for Tickets on Windows

Kevin Coffman kwc at
Thu Jan 8 13:13:54 EST 2004

> >>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Coffman <kwc at> writes:
>     Kevin> Does setting the KRB5CCNAME environment variable provide
>     Kevin> *equivalent* funcionality to the use of this private
>     Kevin> function?
> No, it does not.  CCAPI makes the rather dubious decision of binding
> to a cache tightly the first time it is used.  This function tends to
> be used to change that binding.
> On a non-CCAPI platform such as Unix, this function does provide the
> same functionality.

I should have specified that this is a Unix application.  Is there
anything in the works to use the CCAPI on Unix that would "break"
this later?

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