How to include Header File <kadm5/admin.h> for KADM5 API

Barry Jaspan bjaspan at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 16 16:50:43 EST 2003

At 10:21 AM 11/15/2003, you wrote:
>I want to use the KDAM5 API. ... But if I include if in my source that way
>    #define USE_KADM5_API_VERSION 2
>    #include <kadm5/admin.h>
>I get the following mistakes during compiling...

I recently encountered this problem.  I "solved" it by adding two #defines:

#define KRB5_PRIVATE 1
#include <kadm5/admin.h>

This appears to have worked, though as Sam said, it is not an ideal solution.


PS: You should not need to #define USE_KADM5_API_VERSION 2.  That's the 

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