krb5-1.3-alpha3 is available

Stephen Smoogen smoogen at
Mon May 5 16:35:12 EDT 2003

Hmmm there is no mention on the web page that I get from

Recent News
08 Apr 2003 - krb5-1.2.8 Released

The krb5-1.2.8 source release is now available. 

I looked in the source text of the html page and didnt see it there
either. I tried from 3 different sites so it may be some sort of web
caching problem at mit.

I did find a krb5-1.3-current in the snapshots directory, but I dont'
think its date matched the announcement (but I could be wrong.

On Mon, 2003-05-05 at 13:01, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Smoogen <smoogen at> writes:
>     Stephen> Is it removed after a short while.. or am I just my usual
>     Stephen> deaf dumb and blind self.. sorry if I am a bit late.
> No, it should be there somewhere.
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