Updates (multi-realm) to Leash32...

John M. Lockard jlockard at umich.edu
Fri Jan 10 12:38:01 EST 2003


We've found Leash32 to be an invaluable tool here at the School
of Information at the University of Michigan. The one thing that
would just improve on that value would be if Leash32 did multi-realm

Here at the University of Michigan we have a number of AFS cells
and with that comes a number of Kerberos Realms, some running K4,
some running K5 and a mix of both. Many or our users at the School
of Information have accounts within the SI.UMICH.EDU realm as well as
the UMICH.EDU realm and would like to be able to access both at will.

Would you be able to tell me if you have any plans on adding
multi-realm authentication to this tool, and if so, what your timeline
might be?


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