feature request for Mac Kerberos...

MIT Macintosh Development Team macdev at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 10 14:34:55 EST 2003

At 5:09 PM -0500 12/9/03, Michael Dautermann wrote:
>The Macintosh Kerberos Manager appears to only look for plugins
>under /Library/Kerberos Plug-Ins.  InstallerVise appears to have
>issues that make it very difficult to install something into the
>/Library folder, but installing into /System/Library appears
>to work fine. 
>Since /System/Library is a system-wide domain, could Kerberos
>on the Mac be enhanced to also look in /System/Library for
>plug-ins in addition to /Library?
>thanks a lot for listening...

Hi Michael,

The reason the location is /Library/Kerberos Plug-Ins instead of 
/System/Library is because only system components provided by Apple 
are supposed to go in /System/Library .  Really, no third party stuff 
is every supposed to go in there.  Apple says the correct place for a 
third party to put something that needs to be available to all users 
is /Library , and so that's where the Kerberos Plug-Ins go.

You should definitely contact Mindvision if you haven't done so 
already and give them feedback on the difficulty of installing stuff 
to locations such as /Library .  I know from personal experience they 
don't make it easy.

Here's what I did when I last needed to install something in /Library 
with VISE. :

* Create a new folder in your VISE archive, titled "Library."
* Set its properties to:
   Install To: Root of Startup Disk
   Replace: Never
   Domain: System Domain

This will effectively create an equivalent to /Library inside your 
VISE archive.  Then you can put a "Kerberos Plug-Ins" folder inside 
that, and your plug-in inside that.

I hope that helps.  But definitely contact Mindvision about the issue as well.


Scott McGuire / smcguire at mit.edu
MIT Information Systems Macintosh Developer

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