compiling krb5-1.2.8 for OS X Server 10.2.5

Tim Mooney mooney at
Fri Apr 25 15:53:31 EDT 2003

In regard to: Re: compiling krb5-1.2.8 for OS X Server 10.2.5, Alexandra...:

>>In regard to: Re: compiling krb5-1.2.8 for OS X Server 10.2.5, Alexandra...:
>>>>Also take a look at the patch to Alpha 2 that I posted to the
>>>>krb5-bugs list:
>>>This is not a problem with the MIT Kerberos build system.  The
>>>problem is that Apple's ld behaves differently than ld on every other
>>Except Tru64 UNIX, though there you can turn the default behavior off.
>Sorry, what I meant to say was "most other platforms". At least I
>managed to get it right in the next sentence.

I don't think you offended anyone, no need to be sorry.  ;-)

I was just being pedantic, pointing it out because it tends to be
something that people that are new to Tru64 trip over.

>My understanding is that the Tru64 ld behavior is intentional and

That's correct.

Tim Mooney                              mooney at
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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