krb5-1.2.6 on Win32

Ken Hornstein kenh at
Thu Sep 26 17:01:01 EDT 2002

>But it appears slow to run slow!  20 sec to get a ticket using the krb5.exe
>It used to take 2sec. We have mods to ftp, and I am getting 27Kb transfer
>rates, on a 100Mb conection. An rsh from NCSA also appears slow too. (For
>this I had to copy the net_read.c, net_write.c, read_msg.c and write_msg.c
>as these are no longer exported from the krb5_32.dll.)

One thing we noticed is that krb5.exe had a change somewhere and doesn't update
the ticket list as nearly often as it used to.  You can _use_ the ticket
quickly, it just doesn't show up that quickly.  We fixed that here so
it updates the list after you get a ticket (and delete the tickets).

We're using FileZilla, so I can't speak for the transfer speed (I don't
remember measuring it, but it seemed reasonable).  Kerberized PuTTY
seems fast enough for us.


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