krb5-1.2.6 on Win32

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Thu Sep 26 16:56:01 EDT 2002

I took the kfw-2.2-beta-2 and replaced the athena\auth\krb5\src with the krb5-1.2.6

I got it to build, (krb524 took a little extra work, as the error tables are not built)
and it appears to work. 

But it appears slow to run slow!  20 sec to get a ticket using the krb5.exe It used to 
take 2sec. We have mods to ftp, and I am getting 27Kb transfer rates, on a 100Mb
conection. An rsh from NCSA also appears slow too. (For this I had to copy
the net_read.c, net_write.c, read_msg.c and write_msg.c as these are no longer exported
from the krb5_32.dll.)

Could there be some mismatch with libs that I missed?  Thread model? Its like it
is missing interupts. 

W2K with MSVC++ 6.0

Any ideas? 


 Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, Illinois  60439 
 (630) 252-5444

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