Important: handling commit interactions with bug database

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 17 16:50:00 EDT 2002

Hi.  I've just deployed the integration between the RT bug tracking
system and our CVS repository.

Per previous discussion, we're moving to a model where any non-trivial
functionality change needs to be accompanied by a ticket open in the
bug database.  This will allow us to generate better release notes.
To accomplish this we have created a syntax for manipulating tickets
along with commits.  If you are someone who has commit access but is
not at MIT your commits MUST create or update a ticket.

To manipulate tickets you add some header lines to the top of your log
message.  The lines can be of the form header: value or rt-header:
value.  I'll show them without the rt-prefix.

Updating a ticket

To update a ticket, you include a 
 ticket: or rt-ticket: line  in your log.  For example:

ticket: 1164

Return errno not retval when getpeername fails.

By default when you update a ticket:

* the ticket it assigned to you
* The ticket it closed

If these defaults are not appropriate for your action you can override
them; see below.

Creating a ticket

You can also create a ticket at the same time as you commit. All you
have to do is use new instead of a ticket number in a ticket line.
However you almost certainly want to at least set the  subject.

ticket: new
subject: Add AES support

Add an implementation of AES to libk5crypto.

In addition to closing the ticket and marking you as the owner of a
ticket, creating a new ticket makes you the requestor of the ticket.

OTher Things to Change

The following additional commands are supported:

* subject: changes the subject of ticket
* status: [open|resolved|new|stalled]
* owner: [username|nobody]
* cc: [email address]
* Component: change component of ticket [krb5-libs etc]
* Version_Reported: 
* Target_Version:
* Tags: [enhancement|nochange|noresource]

You could set version_fixed, but it is wrong to do so.

Also, note that you can update multiple tickets in one log message;
updates apply to the most recent ticket: command.

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