OS X KerberosLoginServer as a background app?

Jordan Miller jmil at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 7 12:30:01 EDT 2002


Thanks for all your hard work getting Kerberos integrated into Mac OS 
X 10.2 Jaguar. I just wanted to request that the KerberosLoginServer 
be made a background app, as this makes it launch faster and makes 
more sense as there are no menu controls for it anyway. As you 
probably know, this can easily be achieved by using Apple's Developer 
Tools to add a new sibling to it's Info.plist called "NSUIElement" 
with a value of "1". I can email you my edited Info.plist file, if 
you want. I was just wondering if you could tell me why it hasn't 
been made a background app yet, and if there are plans to do this in 
the future.



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