Updated NAT fixes

Steven Michaud smch at midway.uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 15 11:00:00 EDT 2002

> There's discussion within the IETF of adding
> a direction address type for the next version of the protocol and
> removing addresses completely from priv and safe for the following
> version.

What's a "direction address type"?  I did a Google search on that
phrase, but all I found was a bare mention of it in notes on one or
more IETF meetings (http://www.isi.edu/people/bcn/krb-revisions/).

On 11 Apr 2002, Sam Hartman wrote:

> >>>>> "Steven" == Steven Michaud <smch at midway.uchicago.edu> writes:
>     Steven> On 11 Apr 2002, Sam Hartman wrote:
>     >> We will keep the address checking in krb_priv and krb_safe
>     >> because removing this checking opens you to a reflection
>     >> attack.
>     Steven> I'm not sure I understand.  mk_priv, mk_safe, rd_priv and
>     Steven> rd_safe all check (and add entries to) the replay cache
>     Steven> (by calling krb5_rc_store()).  Wouldn't the replay cache
>     Steven> stop any attempt to send "private" or "safe" messages back
>     Steven> to the server that originated them?
> Hmm.  I don't think applications actually tend to use that feature
> much.  Also, it's not required by the protocol spec, especially if
> using sequence numbers.  There's discussion within the IETF of adding
> a direction address type for the next version of the protocol and
> removing addresses completely from priv and safe for the following
> version.

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