[krbdev.mit.edu #1248] SAM uses RC4 insecurely

Sam Hartman via RT rt-comment at krbdev.mit.edu
Fri Nov 8 00:31:07 EST 2002

Hi.  The definition of dr in src/lib/crypto/combine_keys.c mishandles
the rc4 enctype.  In particular, It will encrypt the constant using
rc4 directly in the long-term key.  No cipher state is used for rc4,
so the rc4 PRNG is always positioned at the same point in the cipher

effectively  for rc4 dr(k, c) is c^rc4(k).  That's problematic

dr(k,c1)^dr(k, c2)
		= c1^rc4(k)^rc4(k)^c2
		= c1^c2

So if you know c1, c2 and dr(k,c1) you can find out the first few bits
of rc4(k).

I have not yet worked through the implications of this for
combine-keys, but it becomes clear to me that:

* dr must be defined per crypto-system

* The current dr  for rc4 is unacceptable even if combine-keys end up
  being secure

* If SAM is going to use dr, it must be required to be defined for
  each crypto system.

If these problems are not fixed by the 1.3 release, the SAM changes
must be backed out.

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