Kerberos on Mac

Matt Darwin mattdarwin at
Fri May 12 11:28:26 EDT 2017

I’m an application developer trying to get my code to talk to a Hortonworks cluster using Kerberos.

My entire team of about 20 developers uses a linux VM for this, and it works fine.  I have a Mac and would like to use it for my development, but it won’t connect to the cluster.  When I run a linux VM on my Mac and try it from there, it works fine.  Two other developers report that they spent a couple of days trying to get it to work on Mac, and even asked friends who worked for Apple, before they gave up and switched to a linux VM.

I’ve written a detailed description of the problem on stack overflow :
Zookeeper client reports "Server not found in Kerberos database (7) - UNKNOWN_SERVER"
All config files are identical between Mac and Linux.  
Reverse DNS of the server FQDN works fine on both linux and Mac. 
Kinit and klist indicate kerberos is working fine.
Installing latest version via home-brew appears to make no difference

Only one answer on SO, suggesting that it could be something to do with DNS.

I just thought I’d try one final time, before I conclude that Kerberos and Mac simply aren’t compatible, and revert to using a Linux VM.

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