Testing 3 Kerberos realms from same server

Tareq Alrashid tareq at qerat.com
Mon May 1 11:04:40 EDT 2017


On RHEL7 systems. We finally got around to setting up a separate development and test realms.  
We wanted to test normal/successful operations on all the realms specially after new code deployment or new RHEL patches. 
Testing all systems from same server which has a single keytab with all relevant service entries for each corresponding realm.  

Code written in Python simply loops through each of the 3 realms, kinit with the keytab performs a few  kadmin operations and either passes or fails.

The strange result is that only the realm name set by “default_realm =“, pass and all others fail! If I manually change value to one of the other realm names; yep! same corresponding result.

Something silly is going on here, still diagnosing, but I also figured I should ask you all for some insight, any and all are much appreciated.

Thank you,

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