Kerberos and REST

Imanuel Greenfeld imanuel.greenfeld1 at
Tue Dec 19 16:24:44 EST 2017

Hello Ben,

Thanks for the information.

I managed to get a TGT from the KDC using basic Unix shell script and pass
Kerberos authentication.

Do you know if there is a way to pass this ticket to a process that is
sending JSON messages using gSoap ?  In other words, as part of the
json_call() I need to pass this ticket for authorisation.

 Can you help ?

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Kaduk [mailto:kaduk at] 
Sent: 09 December 2017 02:32
To: Imanuel Greenfeld <imanuel.greenfeld1 at>
Cc: kerberos at
Subject: Re: Kerberos and REST

On Fri, Dec 08, 2017 at 06:39:56AM +0000, Imanuel Greenfeld wrote:
> Thank you Ben for the information.
> I downloaded Kerberos .gz from your web site and built the libraries.
> I'm looking at sclient and sserver. 
> When I run sclient with <target server> <port 80> then I'm getting 
> Connected.
> But when I run sserver nothing happens.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong please ?

If you want to use sserver as an example and familiarize yourself with how
things work, starting with its manual page seems


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