Release Notice of 1762500 Police Officers in the UK:

Lauren Adrienné Mccalmondt Nolan laurenadriennemcc at
Mon Dec 11 10:20:44 EST 2017

 Hi, all of Your Metropolitan Police Officers.I wish to let you know that after a long cocluity Withthe Queen of England andThe Chief Exectutive Commisioner Of Metropolitan Policewe have determined to fire all who are/ or belong to the Scientology.We know that this is about 1 million and 762,500 Police Officersacross The United Kingdom.This is determened from today, and we´re sorry to let you go of this abnormal society that you areinvolved in. It is out of Our knowledge and Comfort to joinaround when it does not do any favouror joint community and behaviour.Neither to The Queen Of England Or The Cheif Of Scotland Yard.
I, Lauren Adrienné Cowell Nolanis proud to have been involved and at work on and off exclusive radiors.And I hope you recieve this release notice calm and comfortingas we wish you good Luck and Happiness forward upon ChristmasWith Your friends and Family that encounter Yourreligion of Scientology.
Dear Scincerley
Lauren Adrienné Cowell Nolan The Head Chief Of Scotland Yard 28-2458.Howard Bennett Thompson The Chief Executive Officer Commisioner 24-5892.
and at last
The Queen Of England
Queen Elisabeth The Gouverment Of United Kingdoms Safety.

Wish you A Merily Christmas and a Happy New year.

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