kprop with multiple or NATted IP address

Russ Allbery eagle at
Thu Jan 28 15:55:11 EST 2016

Jerry Shipman <jes59 at> writes:

> (I thought about that about 5 minutes after I sent the email — oops.)

> I guess my question is: does kprop do anything other than: secrecy of
> the data in transmission, integrity of the transmission, kdb5_util
> dump/load ? Or can I really do the same thing in a cron job (or maybe 2,
> one on each end) without missing anything important? I guess I would
> lose out on the possibility of doing incremental propagation.

You lose incremental propagation, but other than that, I'm pretty sure
kprop/kpropd is just an authenticated copy of a dump and loading it on the
other end.

Russ Allbery (eagle at              <>

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