Unable to access kdc after changing password

Podrigal, Aron aronp at guaranteedplus.com
Wed Jun 17 01:17:00 EDT 2015


I followed the guide here

I had initially just hit return when I was prompted to set the master
password during the install.  I than wanted to set a password, so I did

kadmin: change_password K/M
kadmin: quit

Which should change the master password,  no?

But now i can't seem to get access to the database

# kdb5_util stash
kdb5_util: Unable to decrypt latest master key with the provided master key
while getting master key list
kdb5_util: Warning: proceeding without master key list
Enter KDC database master key:
kdb5_util: Unable to decrypt latest master key with the provided master key
while getting master key list

As I understand the problem is that the key in keytab is no longer valid.
However providing the password on command line as shown above should work.
I'm confident that I didn't forget the  password :)

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I seem to be missing some
general knowledge here. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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