Spnego to Tomcat Fronted by Apache

Douglas E. Engert deengert at anl.gov
Wed Feb 6 09:46:15 EST 2013

On 2/5/2013 7:09 PM, Bram Cymet wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get OpenAM working with kerberos authentication using
> Spnego.
> OpenAM runs in a tomcat container. SPNEGO works perfectly if I expose
> the tomcat connector directly. However if I put apache in front of
> tomcat either with mod jk or a proxypass to the ajp connector then the
> token is not being passed properly and tomcat reports a 401 error saying
> This request requires HTTP authentication ().
> So I am wondering if anyone has ever passed SPNEGO through apache to
> tomcat and if so how? Or maybe this isn't even possible.

how about:

Shibboleth can also do this:


Is the keytab readable by the tomcat?

> Thanks,


  Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at anl.gov>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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