gss_browserid release

Luke Howard lukeh at
Sun Feb 3 04:53:39 EST 2013

May be of interest.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Luke Howard <lukeh at>
> Subject: [kitten] gss_browserid release
> Date: 29 January 2013 8:03:06 PM AEDT
> To: "dev-identity at" <dev-identity at>
> Cc: "kitten at" <kitten at>
> I've made the GSS BrowserID mechanism available here:
> The mechanism is a plug-in for the GSS-API that allows you to use BrowserID assertions for authenticating in non-web protocols, such as SMTP, IMAP, SSH, and LDAP. It's still fairly untested, so be gentle.
> It includes support for DH key exchange, mutual authentication, fast re-authentication, and a general purpose native C library for BrowserID. The client UI component works on OS X and Windows (almost) only, although it should be relatively easy to other platforms. The server side should work on any modern POSIX platform that supports OpenSSL (on Windows, the native CNG library is used).
> It is released under the Sleepycat license.

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