Reading MS PAC data

Markus Moeller huaraz at
Sun Aug 18 16:20:17 EDT 2013

"Greg Hudson" <ghudson at MIT.EDU> wrote in message 
news:521124D8.5040500 at
> On 08/18/2013 03:07 PM, Markus Moeller wrote:
>> says ctx->authdata[i]->ad_type  is 1 and not 128.   Is there a bug in MIT 
>> ?
> It looks like Heimdal's
> gsskrb5_extract_authz_data_from_sec_context will look inside
> AD-IF-RELEVANT containers but MIT's will not.  We can correct this
> divergence for future releases (I'm actually not sure how it came
> about), but that probably doesn't solve your problem.
> In the mean time, I think using gss_get_name_attribute with urn:mspac:
> is your best bet, when linking against MIT krb5 libraries.  Samba's
> auth/kerberos/gssapi_pac.c has example usage.

I was sucessful with gss_map_name_to_any and MIT libraries, but was looking 
for a function both support, but it seems I need to use different functions 
for now

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