Reading MS PAC data

Greg Hudson ghudson at MIT.EDU
Sun Aug 18 15:47:36 EDT 2013

On 08/18/2013 03:07 PM, Markus Moeller wrote:
> says ctx->authdata[i]->ad_type  is 1 and not 128.   Is there a bug in MIT ?

It looks like Heimdal's
gsskrb5_extract_authz_data_from_sec_context will look inside
AD-IF-RELEVANT containers but MIT's will not.  We can correct this
divergence for future releases (I'm actually not sure how it came
about), but that probably doesn't solve your problem.

In the mean time, I think using gss_get_name_attribute with urn:mspac:
is your best bet, when linking against MIT krb5 libraries.  Samba's
auth/kerberos/gssapi_pac.c has example usage.

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