debug level in krb5-1.10.3 for workers

Jim Shi hanmao_shi at
Mon Sep 24 15:53:31 EDT 2012

Hi, Greg,
  Workers in kdc always log messages at 'debug' level. no matter what [logging] says.

that is, if you don't specify syslog level at [logging],  workers log at debug level, (Should be INFO by default)
if you specify syslog level to, say 'INFO', workers still log at debug level. (should follow whatever specified in [logging])


On Sep 24, 2012, at 12:15 PM, Greg Hudson wrote:

> On 09/19/2012 02:32 PM, Jim Shi wrote:
>> It seems when KDC is running with multiple workers, the syslog level for workers is aways 'DEBUG'.  No matter what syslog level you set in kdc.conf.
>> Just wonder others have same issues.
> Can you elaborate about what you're seeing and how it differs from what
> you expect?  There could easily be a bug here, but just from looking
> into the code and testing some basic behavior, I don't see it.
> Note that the KDC code specifies an explicit priority for most of its
> log messages, which overrides the default priority specified in a
> [logging] directive.  This applies with or without worker processes.

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