Instant Messaging client-server solution?

Russ Allbery rra at
Wed May 18 16:21:56 EDT 2011

Jaap Winius <jwinius at> writes:

> Can anyone recommend and an Instant Messaging solution, client and
> server, that plays nice with Kerberos 5?

For client, Pidgin works well with GSS-API and is cross-platform.  For
server, we ended up using OpenFire, but I know there are others out there
that can also do GSS-API.

OpenFire has the drawback that it's written in Java and uses a completely
bizarre configuration mechanism that we had a lot of trouble with.  You
also have to fiddle with it a bit to get GSS-API to work properly.  It
wasn't an entirely obvious deployment, unfortunately.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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