Mac OS X 10.6 CCacheServer / interaction

Ken Hornstein kenh at
Wed Sep 22 11:17:37 EDT 2010

>I've been working on setting up a SSO solution for work, and I've hit
>a snag on snow leopard. It seems that if you kinit (using the
>command-line or Ticket Viewer), then open and close a
>window, it destroys your credentials. I tested behavior using mrxvt
>and xterm, and it seems to be related to your terminal being a login
>session. When I passed the '-ls' option to either xterm or mrxvt,
>closing the window and logging out of my shell caused my credentials
>to be destroyed. This is easy to work around (obviously, "don't do

Are you sure that there isn't a "kdestroy" in your .logout or equivalent?
Because I just tried that here on my 10.6 system, and I can NOT reproduce
that; the tickets always stay around.


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