KeyTab creation is getting failed..........

gangasani krishnamraju krishna.gangasani at
Sat Jan 16 09:19:37 EST 2010

Hi Rathor,

Thanks for response,I am new to Kerberos,Plese help me...I trying this from
last 2 days,

Getting same error,

a. I am able to see the user in AD and also user SPML appears in search .
b. I did not get this where should I login using user SPML on AD machine ?

let me give you more details on this,
I am able to generate assign servicePrincipleName for user SPML through
Setspn.exe tool

Command : Setspn.exe -A *SPML/* spml

After this am trying to generate keytab using ktpass.exe

Please help me VERY URGENT .

******************really frustrating**************

Krishna - +91 9921449990

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Vipin Rathor <v.rathor at> wrote:

> > Error :Failed to retrieve user info for spml: 0x8ad.
> This essentially means that ktpass.exe is not able to locate user
> spml. Please check if
> a. the user exists
> b. you are able to login (and hence get a tgt) using the user 'spml'.
> Hope this helps.
> --
> -Rathor

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