Upcoming KfW 3.x ??

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at secure-endpoints.com
Wed Jan 6 19:33:02 EST 2010

On 1/6/2010 2:32 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> I seem to have all sorts of weird problems with KfW.
> For instance, I just clicked 'Cancel' in the 'Obtain
> new credentials' dialog for a certain realm and the
> dialog greyed out, won't go away, and won't close
> via [X].
> Other times I get DNS failures from NIM when nslookup
> in a cmd.exe window resolves the KDCs fine.
> Overall, I have zero problems with other network apps
> on this box.

You are welcome to try a beta of Network Identity Manager v2 if you
would like.
(Send private mail to be added to the testers list.)   However, if the
problem is
the resolution of DNS SRV records (which some DNS proxies do not respond to)
then the problem will not be resolved by the update.

What I would do is use "Network Monitor v3.2" from Microsoft Connect to
examine the network traffic and see what requests are failing to receive
The krb5 library in KFW has no trace logging that would permit such a
to be identified from within the library.

Jeffrey Altman

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